The bumpy road to happiness

6 Jul


I shut down my blog a few months ago.  Something was weighing heavy on my heart. I knew if I spoke, I would let it all tumble out.  I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to hear the judgment that circles the lips of those around me.

You see, I’ve been down this bumpy road before. When I was about 16, I gave birth to the little boy that saved me from myself.  He is simply the best thing that has ever happened in my life.  Yet, many around me felt compelled to voice their opinion, to question my choices…It was rarely positive or up lifting.

Oh, I get it. Trust me. I know I was just a baby myself!  I knew I made a choices that separated me from the crowd.  However, I was already on the road. Their advice at that point didn’t serve a purpose.

Unfortunately I soaked in way to much of that poison.  I allowed those words to linger to long, to transform the way I thought about myself.  It took years for me to shake that old coat.



And now…Now my son, who is 22, just had a baby of his own.  She is precious and perfect and beautiful. She holds every ounce of my heart.  I love her…I adore her.  I can’t get enough of her.

As I was holding this perfect bundle of joy today, I wondered why I ever let the “haters” silence my voice…AGAIN….

I’m back on the bumpy road… but I’m older, smarter…more confident.  I’m a fierce, confident, kick ass  momma lion.  I won’t allow, won’t tolerate, won’t participate in the negativity. Our family is beyond happy…over the moon happy.  You simply can’t imagine how happy.

You see, we know all to well that there are far worse things in the world than having someone new to love.

I don’t know how I got so lucky to have so much love in my life, but I’ll take it.

Even if our road is different, slightly bumpy and unnavigated…I’m a bit of an explorer.    I tend to make my own road…and make it beautiful.

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5 Responses to “The bumpy road to happiness”

  1. Ali steen July 6, 2014 at 11:35 pm #

    Keep your head high, a life is a precious gift from God. No one can judge you but The Lord . Finding happiness is our ultimate gold, when you reach the stars you can truly love God and the world


  2. Margaret July 7, 2014 at 12:40 am #

    You are a great part of my heart. Thank you for being perfect.


    • Chats A lot July 9, 2014 at 1:40 pm #

      LOL – I’m not sure about the perfect part! I love you. I’m blessed to have you in my life and I cherish our relationship. Thank you for supporting us from the very start. It is nice to know you always have someone in your corner!


  3. Judy Howey July 7, 2014 at 5:41 pm #

    I agree with you 100%…. there are so many wonderful people out there now that would not “be” if their young mothers had listened to others tell them it wasn’t what they should do. We are all individuals that should follow our hearts and what our God or whatever gives us our inner peace tells us to follow. Other humans are just that…. human, they are not supreme beings that can always foresee what is best for us.

    Yeah for you. Being a grandma is the absolute best. You have joined a special group made up of once upon a time new moms that get to feel that wonder of life again through the eyes of our own children. There’s nothing like it in the world. Love ya girl.

    Judy Howey


    • Chats A lot July 9, 2014 at 1:39 pm #

      Oh, this touched my heart Judy! Thank you so much for the wisdom and support!


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