Courtesy flush, please

11 Nov


Okay, ladies. Let’s talk.

I’m not sure why bathroom etiquette is not taught in school. It really should be…say starting in kindergarten when they teach you to wash your hands after going.

It appears to be skill that is lacking among some women.  Probably among some men too…but I don’t frequent their bathrooms so I’ll keep this to the ladies in the house.

Rule #1 – If possible, please leave an empty stall between us. Meaning, if a person is in stall 1, skip stall 2, and use stall 3.  There is no need for your feet to touch mine…in fact, it’s a little creepy.

Rule #2 – Flush…Flush…Flush.. Flush often. If in doubt, flush again.  You can never flush too much.


Rule #3 – I’m not in there to have conversation….and frankly neither should you. There are lots of places to make a call…sitting on the bowl should not be one of them.

YES, the person on the other end of the call CAN tell where you are…bathrooms echo. I know this because my husband subjected me to this mental image torture before I put an END.TO.IT.

Once it’s in this mind trap, it’s hard to erase….

To recap ladies, please, please, don’t pee and chat….or worse, poop and chat.

Rule #4 – Which brings us to this…. If you are a public pooper, please have the courtesy to choose the stall that is the furthest away from the entrance. No one needs their nostrils ripped out and handed to them upon entering the room.

It’s just not nice.

Oh, and if you are a serial public pooper, you may want to invest in some poo-pouri for your purse. Just spray in the bowl before you sit.  It’s magic!    (tested out on the husband mentioned above)

Trust me, your friends…heck, everyone,  will love you for it!

Point is, there are rules ladies. Follow them.  Do your part to keep America…and our bathrooms… beautiful.

.…steps off soap box…..

Never heard of Poo-Pouri? Watch this witty commercial for your daily chuckle:

4 Responses to “Courtesy flush, please”

  1. Jennifer Mohs November 11, 2014 at 6:08 pm #

    This is awesome! I complain (rather I bitch) about #3 all the time. It is gross, unsanitary and just plain rude!!! I can’t believe the number of ladies that take their phone in the bathrooms. Good job, Hope. If this is on FB, I will share and spread the word. 🙂


    • Chats A lot November 11, 2014 at 6:10 pm #

      Its on FB! Would love it if you shared! Let’s get this public service announcement out there!


  2. unknowntruthtobetold November 11, 2014 at 7:57 pm #

    Yes really they don’t have the curtsy to keep the restroom clean


  3. Linda Smith November 11, 2014 at 8:01 pm #

    I learned something new but I wont tell you which one. Sooo funny!


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